Monday, 13 July 2015

Diet and Nutrition for Success: Promoting good nutrition and lifestyle in a company can increase productivity and job satisfaction.

For the first time in Australia this heart centred conference is bringing together leaders in creating successful businesses and careers in the new paradigm of co-creation and collaboration.

Ignite your vision and empower your purpose in your business or your career with tools and strategies for marketing, social media, communication and enlightened enterprise.

This conference has the goal of supporting businesses engaged in the co-creation of a sustainable conscious world of peace harmony and abundance. It is designed around the five pillars or elements that we integrate into all Conscious Living events: Earth; Food; Health; Arts and Spirit.

In line with these five elements, the conference will connect practitioners, authors, trainers and individuals who are evolving a new paradigm for heart centred collaborative business owners and employees working in food, health, creative arts, environment and spirit.

Exchange  experiences and ideas; develop ongoing collaborative associations and  link up with a community of business owners and employees with similar ethics in running their businesses.


Diet and Nutrition for Success


Speaker 1 –Russell Setright

Diet and Nutrition for Success: Promoting good nutrition and lifestyle in a  company can increase productivity  and job satisfaction.
Learn how  a little knowledge  about the positive  effect of nutrition can help  prevent and treat some diseases, Migraine, ADHD, Memory and Cancer.

Speaker 2 –Mason Taylor

Unifying Health, Abundance and Purpose
Find out how to infuse your core message and purpose into the projects you are pursuing, allowing you to create financial, physical, emotional and spiritual abundance.
Artist – Chris James
Vocal Tune Up –  Find your voice, de-stress and  let your spirit soar

Speaker 3 – Cameron Little

Green Shopping Consumer Choices

Cameron  will share with you  some critical concepts around which to base your day to day shopping patterns so that you can make your purchasing consistent with your personal values and the principles of sustainable development.  You can help  minimise the negative environmental and social impacts of your business transactions.

Q & A with All Speakers and Audience

Purchase a ticket for the whole conference or 1 day and you will receive a FREE One Day Training Workshop with Robert Kirby – Jump Start Your Business plus a coaching session with Katrena Friel – valued at over $995 . Earlybird Tickets are available until July 31st and you can bring a guest for free before July 31

Russell Setright is an accredited Naturopath, Medical Herbalist, and an educator in Advanced Life Support, First Aid, Emergency Care and Rescue. He is an Honorary Life Member of St John Ambulance and member of ATMS. He is the author of seven books on complementary medicine with one published in the Chinese and Malay languages and he currently has a Health Talk Back Radio Show with Brian Wilshire on Sydney’s Radio 2GB.
He was also the Naturopathic Director Blackmores Ltd. Russell has been on a number of Government assessment panels for degree programs in Australia and New Zealand and is currently a member of the advisory committee NSW Oncology Group, Cancer Institute, NSW Health.

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
    liver already present. I started on antiviral medications which
    reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus
    became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from
    ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC ( in March, 2020. Their
    treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
    the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing
    treatment! This treatment is a breakthrough for all HBV carriers.
